How to get from Taksim to Istanbul Airport by metro?

If you are wondering how to get from Taksim to Istanbul Airport by metro, you can go to Istanbul Airport from Taksim in a short time by metro by following this guide.

The metro line to Istanbul Airport is M11 Gayrettepe – Istanbul Airport – Halkalı Metro Line. To reach this line from Taksim, you must first go to Gayrettepe. Currently, the closest station of this line to Taksim is Gayrettepe.

If you want to go to Istanbul Airport only by using the metro;

  1. To go from Taksim to Gayrettepe, take the metro in the direction of Hacıosman using the “M2 Yenikapı – Hacıosman Metro Line from Taksim metro station (Taksim metro station map link) ).
  2. Get off the metro at Gayrettepe (Gayrettepe metro station map link).
  3. Then take the airport metro from Gayrettepe.

You can also use another means of transportation such as bus or taxi to go from Taksim to Gayrettepe.

You can directly reach Gayrettepe station by taking the DT2 Ortaköy – Taksim IETT bus from the bus stop in Taksim. (Taksim bus stop map link).

If you are going to Gayrettepe metro station by taxi from Taksim, the distance is at least 5.5 kilometers and at most 809 kilometers. You can calculate the taxi fare based on current prices on the Istanbul taxi fare calculation page (Route map link).

You can also reach Gayrettepe metro station in 1 hour and 13 minutes on foot. The distance you need to walk is 5.3 kilometers (Itinerary map link).