Istanbulkart monthly subscription fee

Monthly subscription prices in Istanbul have been announced. Read on to find out the current monthly subscription prices that can be used for buses, trams, metro, ferries and even some private transportation vehicles in Istanbul.

Subscription types of Blue Cards used in Istanbul public transportation are divided into three. These; Available under Full, Student, and Social titles. The student card can only be used by students under the age of 25. The social card, on the other hand, is given to various social classes such as the teacher. So how much are the monthly subscription prices in Istanbul?

Istanbulkart monthly subscription fee

The latest monthly subscription fee in Istanbul has been determined by the UKOME decision dated 8 January 2024 and has been valid from 25 July 2024. Accordingly, you can find the current subscription fees below:

  • Card type
  • Price
  • Full (180 Pass)
  • 1570 TL
  • Student (200 Pass)
  • 282 TL
  • Social (200 Pass)
  • 976 TL
Scroll left for the entire table.

Printing numbers of monthly subscriptions in Istanbul; 180 passes for Full, 200 passes for Student and 200 passes for Social. Regional, gradual or double ticket tariffs are applied on some lines and private transportation services where Istanbulkart is valid, and the amount of transit will increase accordingly.